Multiple studies have found that moderate drinking of red wine has other benefits like reducing the risks of illnesses such as some diabetes, stroke, cognitive issues and even some problems of the digestive system
However, there are some risks associated with excessive consumption of any alcohol.
We have all heard the saying: “Wine improves with age – The older I get, the better I like it” or “Penicillin cures, but wine makes people happy”. But the saying that may be most relevant to our time is that wine is “for the heart”. Just take a look at the French. The French are known for their fat-rich diet – full fat cheeses, meat in butter based sauces and other high-fat foods – statistically however, they have one of the lowest rates of heart diseases in the world.
This phenomenon even has a name – it is known as the “French Paradox”. Many researchers who sought an explanation for this anomaly concluded that the reason behind this was probably the French custom of drinking red wine with their lunch and dinner. How does drinking wine every day lower the rate of heart disease? The answer is polyphenols. Each grape can have several types of polyphenols which are basically antioxidants. They help in widening arteries, help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and atherosclerosis as well as lowering blood pressure.
Multiple studies have found that moderate drinking of red wine has other benefits like reducing the risks of illnesses such as some diabetes, stroke, cognitive issues and even some problems of the digestive system
However, there are some risks associated with excessive consumption of any alcohol. Indeed, those who drink excessively are exposed to obesity, liver damage, alcoholism and type 2 diabetes – as alcohol breaks down into sugars. Yet, if you ask your family doctor, you will in all likelihood be advised that drinking a glass of dry red wine a day will have a positive impact on your health. In fact, researchers have found that the optimal consumption of a dry red wine is estimated at 2 to 3 glasses per day.
Why red wine and not white? As red wine contains more polyphenols which are beneficial for your health. Why a dry red wine? That is simple – the more sugar a wine contains the less healthy it is. This would seem to indicate that the formula for the a healthy and long life should include a healthy and balanced diet, regular exercise and two to three glasses of red wine a day.
If a daily drink of wine is not part of your routine, it is recommended to start with one glass every two or three days, and work your way up to a glass or two a day. In recent years ‘super-foods’ has become quite popular. These foods usually come in the form of a powder containing the same polyphenols found in grapes. The powder can be added to any drink or food and consumed regularly, even on a daily basis without the negative effects associated with alcohol and sugar. It is a practical and effective solution for people who are not accustomed to or want to drink wine but strive to live healthy.