How can High blood pressure affect the kidneys?

How can High blood pressure affect the kidneys?

High blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the kidneys, reducing their ability to function properly. When the force of

What has red wine got to do with diabetes?

What has red wine got to do with diabetes?

Recent studies have indicated that drinking wine can also have a positive effect on maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. This

Do you know the silent killer?

Do you know the silent killer?

Roughly half the people with untreated hypertension die of heart disease related to poor blood flow (ischemic heart disease) and

Does our blood pressure change with age?

Does our blood pressure change with age?

The older we get the more sedentary we becomes, a known factor behind increased blood pressure. One good way to

In what ways can diabetes affect your body?

In what ways can diabetes affect your body?

Diabetics tend to develop secondary complications caused by an imbalance of sugar in the body, and can cause dangerous diseases