the obvious way to keep a healthy heart is with a healthy lifestyle , but did you know that resveratrol, found in grapes , is a leading factor for reducing your chances of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks? all about the revolutionary bio-superfood packed with antioxidants
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) the leading cause of of death for Americans last year was heart disease with over 600,000 cases reported. Although those numbers are drastically lower than previous years, there’s still so much more that can be done to lower it even more.
The best way to keep a healthy heart is with a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, eat right, less stress, watch your weight and don’t smoke – these are the obvious ways that you’ve heard before, but did you know that resveratrol, found in grapes (and wine), is a leading factor for reducing your chances of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks?
Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in the skin of grapes that helps protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart, and for this reason has gained the world’s attention. It is also the key ingredient that helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and prevents blood clots. And research has shown that resveratrol could be linked to a lower risk of inflammation and blood clotting, which can lead to heart disease.
It’s easy to see that adding resveratrol to your daily intake of nutrients is a must for maintaining a healthy heart, but how can you do that? With VINIA.
How Does VINIA Work?
VINIA is a revolutionary, bio-superfood packed with polyphenols – including the antioxidant, resveratrol. It is completely natural and made from the entire grape (100% grape powder) with no sugar or calories, so all the polyphenols found in VINIA remain in their natural state, including resveratrol. One packet of VINIA alone, contains 40mg of polyphenols, including 5mg of resveratrol.
VINIA is made by using biofarming technology, which mirrors nature in producing a non genetically engineered (non-NGO) fruit powder. A daily packet of VINIA contains the same amount of resveratrol found in 1,000 red grapes, boosting a healthy heart and blood circulation.
How Can VINIA Keep MY Heart Healthy?
Dr. Sinatra, a leading American cardiologist, reported about the immediate benefits he discovered in an Australian study of overweight, hypertensive men and postmenopausal women.
Researchers monitored the effect that resveratrol had on the brachial artery – the major artery of the upper arm. Impaired blood flow in this vessel is linked to risk factors such as obesity and hypertension. After consuming of a highly bioactive form of resveratrol, participants in the study demonstrated a significant and rapid increase of blood flow within the hour.
He concluded that resveratrol works it’s “heart-magic” by protecting the delicate inner layer of your arteries from oxidative free radical damage and protecting the production of nitric oxide, the critical chemical that keeps blood vessels optimally dilated. Simply stated, resveratrol keeps the blood flowing as it should, reducing heart disease and maintaining healthy blood circulation.
And with the healing power of resveratrol, VINIA has been scientifically proven to promote healthy blood circulation, support elasticity of blood vessels, support blood pressure already within normal range, and assist in promoting antioxidant activity.
So what are you waiting for? Start showing your heart the love it needs to keep you healthy and loving life!