Diabetics tend to develop secondary complications caused by an imbalance of sugar in the body, and can cause dangerous diseases and heart problems • The implications of knowing and how to maintain health
Diabetes, which is not properly treated, can cause many complications that seriously affect the quality of life and are considered life-threatening. Diabetics tend to develop secondary complications, which actually affect almost all parts of the body, and are caused mainly by an imbalance of sugar in the body.
These complications are often associated with the blood vessels, and they can cause severe disabilities, dangerous diseases, and heart problems.
The problem begins with lack of attention, as many patients do not notice these complications, which can develop at dizzying speed.
The following five complications are the most significant of the disease, and it is important to diagnose and treat them as soon as possible in order to prevent actual spread and danger to life:
- Diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is actually an injury to blood vessels in the retina because of the high blood sugar levels. At first the arteries in the retina weaken, and there are eye drops. The damaged blood vessels may then cause edema or swelling that damages vision. Finally, the disease may cause partial or total blindness due to impaired blood flow in the retina – diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in the Western world.
- Renal failure
The kidney is an organ made up of many blood vessels. In a condition of damage to the blood vessels – caused by diabetes – the kidney suffers a severe blow and its function is significantly damaged. When the injury worsens, kidney failure can occur, the most severe kidney disease that significantly damages kidney function. Sometimes dialysis and even kidney transplantation are required.
- Nerve damage
Another complication of diabetes is damage to the peripheral nervous system. This is actually the most common complication of the disease, and occurs in about half of people with diabetes. The function of the peripheral nervous system is to transfer commands from the brain to the body, and when this system is damaged, the patients suffer from pain in the legs and hands, disturbances in the sensation, a feeling of paralysis and unpleasant feelings. Nerve damage is not life-threatening, but significantly harms the quality of life.
- Leg wounds (“diabetic foot”)
Significant damage to diabetes is the injury to the feet. As a result of diabetes, many patients do not feel any sensation in the feet and are therefore not aware of minor injuries or injuries to the foot. These injuries can develop quickly, become contaminated and worsen to the point of necrosis in the foot requiring the removal of the leg.
- Atherosclerosis
In a condition of atherosclerosis, the blood vessels are hardened, the blood supply is damaged and sometimes arterial obstruction occurs. It is a dangerous disease that can cause many heart diseases such as heart attacks, brain events, necrosis of the feet and hands, and even impotence. Diabetics are more likely to have atherosclerosis, since the presence of high blood sugar levels increases the production of substances that cut the blood vessels.
How do you keep your heart healthy?
One of the most serious complications of diabetes, as noted, is heart attack, and diabetics are more likely to have heart attacks or heart disease. To avoid heart damage, it is important to try and reduce the risk factors and to balance the sugar in the body. This can be done by changing a significant and consistent lifestyle.
It is important to exercise, as exercise helps maintain body weight and reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In addition, it is important to maintain proper nutrition, limit consumption of saturated fats and carbohydrates to reduce dairy products and meat, and avoid fried foods. Even smoking cessation will contribute greatly to heart health, as smoking is actually one of the factors in the development of cardiovascular disease.
Finally, the consumption of red wine on a daily basis, which is considered the best alcoholic drink for heart health because of the antioxidants found in it.
But what if we are not allowed to drink red wine because of its sugar content?
As mentioned above, one way to improve cardiovascular health is to consume red wine. The problem? Red wine is high in sugar and has high caloric value, so its intake can be dangerous for diabetics. The solution is found in the consumption of an innovative and unique nutritional supplement, sugar free, called Vinia.
This powder contains all the advantages of red wine, leaving behind the alcohol and sugar it contains. This Israeli development aids in the health of blood vessels and improves circulation, and integrating it into your daily diet will provide the amazing benefits of red wine – without a single grain of sugar.